You can control your iPhone without using your hands
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With your iPhone, you can do everything from pay your credit card bill to browse social media to peruse food recipes without ever touching it.

Voice Control is one of the iPhone’s accessibility tools, and even though Siri can perform many hands-free tasks, Voice Control can do even more.

Different areas of the screen are numbered, and then you speak the corresponding number to select that app or part. You can see every clickable spot on the screen by saying “Show numbers” after Voice Control has been enabled. You can initiate the hands-free click by saying the corresponding number.

I tested the limits of Voice Control when I tried to pay my credit card bill, and it delivered well. I went from having my phone locked to paying my monthly credit card bill without picking up the device. Getting your phone’s attention starts by using Siri.

When I tried to choose a custom amount to pay, instead of simply paying the statement in full, things got finicky. It took me a few tries to get the hang of it, but I eventually got it.

It is also possible to set up Siri to pay credit cards, but that requires an Apple Cash account.

A utility feature like Voice Control is customizable, allowing the user to create their own use cases tailored to their needs.

You can, for example, create a custom vocal instruction to enter your password. It allows you to unlock your phone without tapping the numbers by hand even if you cannot use Face ID.

Voice Control can also do many of the same things Siri can, and Siri is often faster for overlapping tasks.