Who is Mel’s father in Netflix’s ‘Virgin River’
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Fans have erupted into a panic over the possibility of Mel’s paternity, and many have strong suspicions as to his identity.

Fans took to social media following the end of part 1 of season 5 to discuss this topic.

It was revealed that Mel’s dad might not be her biological father, and Preacher says that he is still in Virgin River.

Despite the obvious contenders to Mel’s paternity issues, such as Dr. Mullins, some believe that storyline would be too ‘obvious’, as well as having the potential to irreparably damage Doc’s marriage to Hope.

It’s DOC! Some have even gone so far as to say it’s DOC! “Doc” is what I want.”

A letter written by Mel’s mom to a Virgin River home led her sister Joey to discover the paternity of her father.

It was revealed in one of the scenes that Mom had been having an affair with someone in Virgin River. “I think this guy might be your father.”

Some people also wish that Jack’s father were Mel’s biological father, simply because they dislike the relationship between them.

The ultimate cherry on top might be the fact that “my wife asked me to watch #VirginRiver with her.”. If Mel’s biological father is Jack’s father, it would be totally worth it.”

Another possibility is Nick, the husband of Jo Ellen, co-owners of the town’s B&B, who could be Mel’s father.