Guyana scrambles to make the most of oil wealth
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Under Guyana’s coastal waters, huge amounts of oil and gas have been discovered in the past decade.

There are now about 11 billion barrels of oil in its reserves.

As a result, it ranks among the top 20 countries in terms of potential, alongside Norway, Brazil, and Algeria.

South America’s north-east corner is home to the fastest-growing economy in the world, with borders to Venezuela, Brazil, and Suriname.

The discoveries come at a time when the planet is trying to wean itself off fossil fuels. As part of the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. In other words, we should try to reduce the amount of oil we use.

Mr Ali said that 53% of the world’s energy comes from oil and gas. Even if we achieve the full commitment, oil and gas will still constitute 35% to 40% of the world’s energy mix, so I don’t see an immediate end to oil and gas in the medium term.

Even if we end up in a situation in 2070 and beyond – let’s say that 40% of our energy mix will come from oil and gas – who will determine who produces that 40%? The answers to these questions must be found, because you can’t just say, “You’re out, you’re in.” That is colonization in a completely different way.”