Cardiff University Students’ Union bans blue shirts and chinos
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Blue shirts and chinos have been banned by a university Students’ Union due to “dangerous behaviour” by some students.

The Cardiff University Students’ Union (CUSU) said anyone wearing the outfit – typically associated with sports clubs – would not be admitted to “Yolo” on Wednesday.

In the queue for the union on 4 October, a group of male students engaged in “dangerous behavior.”

We have asked CUSU to comment on this matter.

The Students’ Union, in an email to members of the university’s Athletic Union, said: “The behaviour of the group in question can only be described as reckless, dangerous, and incredibly irresponsible.”

Although security intervened and dispersed the crowd safely, the situation could have escalated into a major incident had they not acted promptly.”

According to the Students’ Union, the queue behavior has improved since the ban was implemented.

“If any group knows who the males were who caused the incident, they should contact Athletic Union staff and the matter can be resolved,” the email said.

As much as we understand that this approach might not be favored by everyone, we will continue to impose this restriction until we are confident that those behaviors have been rooted out.”

According to Cardiff University, the Students’ Union or Athletic Union should comment on this matter.