Biden says raised human rights in India with Modi
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In the Indian capital, Mr. Biden attended the G20 summit. A bilateral meeting was also held between Mr Modi and him.

On Sunday, the US president traveled to Vietnam after the summit ended in India.

Mr Modi’s record on human rights has been questioned by activists and rights groups.

His Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has denied allegations that it has increased attacks on minorities, especially Muslims.

He made the remarks at a press conference in Hanoi, where he said he had “substantial discussions” with Mr Modi about strengthening the India-US relationship.

And, as I always do, I emphasized the importance of respecting human rights and the role that a free press and civil society play in building a strong and prosperous nation.” he said.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) released its latest World Press Freedom index in May, which shows India has fallen 11 places from last year.

Western leaders, including Mr Biden, have been urged to raise these issues with Mr Modi by campaigners. India, however, is seen as a crucial ally in attempts to stem China’s rise, and the US will tread carefully.

A state visit by Mr Modi to the US in May was welcomed with a red carpet. The White House’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters before the visit that while the US would make its views known when it sees challenges to freedoms, “we do so without lecturing or suggesting that we are not challenged ourselves.”