Austrian town protests against mass tourism
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In Hallstatt, Austria, locals protested mass tourism.

As many as 10,000 tourists visit Hallstatt, which is a World Heritage Site, each day during high season, despite having fewer than 700 residents.

Tourist numbers should be limited and tour buses should be banned after 17:00 local time, say residents.

Hallstatt’s economy has benefited from tourism, but some locals complain about too many tourists.

In recent years, Hallstatt has become a tourist hotspot with its picturesque old houses on the shores of pristine Alpine lakes.

After being featured in a South Korean romantic drama in 2006, a replica of the town was built in China six years later, boosting its popularity in Asia.

A fence that prevents selfies in an Austrian town.

Thousands of visitors come here in search of the perfect selfie, with the lake, pale grey church tower, and stunning mountain scenery in the background.

There are too many tourists in this city, especially day trippers, who are bused into the city in large coaches. Some locals claim it is one of Europe’s most over-touristy destinations.

Like Venice and other places suffering from over-tourism, Hallstatt seems destined to endure its popularity’s mixed blessings for now.

In protest against noise pollution and traffic, residents temporarily erected a wooden wall on the most popular selfie spot in May this year. The post was removed after social media backlash.

There was a time when Hallstatt’s mayor desired a third reduction in buses passing through the town.