Female SFX Artist behind Jibran’s look in Geo’s JinZada
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In the COVID-19 lockdown, Razan realised she had an innate talent and passion for SFX design.

Throughout Razan’s journey to refine her skills, her commitment and dedication shine through.

Razan told Geo Digital she recognized her talent for SFX during the pandemic and decided to pursue her passions independently.

After realizing my natural ability, I practiced a lot. Sometimes I watched YouTube videos, and sometimes I studied reference pictures,” she said.

Razan faced a number of challenges, ranging from the availability of quality products to the price of those products.

As a result, I had to improve my work. When I began searching for the products, I found out they weren’t available in our country, and ordering from abroad would be very expensive.”

She spent an entire year learning how to make the products herself to overcome this obstacle.

As she beams with pride, she shared, “I began taking courses in cosmetic formulation so I could make these products myself.”.

Her mastery of her craft led to opportunities to work with A-listers such as Fahad Mustafa and Young Stunners.

Recently, she has worked on creating special effects for Geo’s ‘JinZada’.

Razan described working with actor Syed Jibran as an “incredible” – albeit challenging – experience.

It was quite challenging to create the look of the djinn at first. We worked on his character first.

“Usually, before creating the character, the background story is developed and understood,” she said.

Afterwards, we did his face-casting and a lot of demos.”

She said it was all worth it in the end.

As soon as the final effect was produced, we were ecstatic because our hard work finally paid off.”