Alex Jones can’t use bankruptcy to avoid paying $1.1 billion
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Alex Jones still owes more than $1.1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families that won a civil defamation case against him last year. A federal bankruptcy judge ruled Thursday that bankruptcy proceedings cannot shield Jones from these damages.

In May, the families filed a motion asking the court to compel Jones to pay the trial damages and rule out the possibility of a forced settlement. In the event of a bankruptcy settlement, Jones could have liquidated his broadcast company and paid the families a much lower amount of damages while also clearing the way for him to start a new company free from claims.

After being ordered to pay nearly $1.5 billion in the Connecticut case brought by the families of eight shooting victims and a first responder, Jones filed for personal bankruptcy last December.

Several families sued Jones after he made false claims about the December 2012 shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, that left 26 dead, including 20 children. According to Jones and other InfoWars personalities, the massacre was a hoax and the victims’ families were crisis actors.

Despite winning their trial in Connecticut, US Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez ruled in favor of the Connecticut families, except for the $322.5 million in common-law punitive damages, which are meant to cover the attorneys’ costs and legal fees under Connecticut law.

The Texas judge also ruled on two other motions for summary judgment brought by parents of shooting victims who brought lawsuits against the right-wing conspiracy theorist.

Jones must pay more than $4.4 million in compensatory and exemplary damages to Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, the parents of six-year-old victim Jesse Lewis, who won a civil jury trial against Jones and his company last summer.

Jones and his company were sued in 2018 for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress by Heslin and Lewis.

In the middle of their trial, Infowars filed for bankruptcy last July.