Guinea junta arrests 12 protesting journalists – reports
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According to local media, Guinean security forces arrested a dozen journalists who protested alleged media censorship.

Sekou Jamal Pendessa, secretary-general of the Union of Professionals of the Press of Guinea (SPPG), was arrested during Monday’s protests.

A march had been called by the union in Conakry to protest restrictions placed on Guineematin, a popular news website, and other violations of press freedom.

There has been a two-month blockage of Guineaematin in Guinea.

There has been no explanation for the blockade by Guinea’s ruling junta, which has banned protests since 2022.

SPPG official Abdouramane Diallo told AFP that the mixed police and gendarmerie forces gassed us.

During the protests, one journalist was slightly injured.

After being accused of taking part in an illegal assembly, the journalists were taken to court.